Wordplay Family

If you love word board games, get ready for WORDPLAY®. It's fast-paced, challenging, and easy to learn - and everyone plays every round. The spinner determines the letters and category for each round. If the category is Food & Drink and you're looking for words that begin with 'S' and contain a 'D' - Salad, Sandwich and Soda may come to mind. What about Places that start with 'B' and contain an 'N'? You may think of Boston, Berlin or Birmingham. Having a mental block trying to think of Places with those letters? No problem: you can still score points - just fewer - by coming up with words outside the category, like Banjo, Banana, Band, etc. You get the picture. There are different ways to score points, and the more points you score the more spaces you advance on the board. Every round provides a whole new challenge, and there are countless possible combinations to wrap your mind around. WORDPLAY is addictive fun that will make your head spin! Includes game board, sand timer, spinner, game pads, game pieces, pencils and instruction sheet. Some parts and colors may vary.

•Ages 15 and Up     •For 2 or More Players/Teams 

1. Spin Away

The Host spins to select the Two Letters and Category for the round.

2. Write Your Answers

Everyone races to write down answers on their game sheets before time runs out.

3. Move Ahead

Tally up your points and move your game pieces.

Item# 11172  

UPC: 626975111727

©2009 (Newest Edition)

Manufactured by Game Development Group Inc.Brand Owner is Game Development Group Inc.Wordplay® is the registered trademark of Game Development Group Inc. All rights reserved

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